Day 32 - The Noble Path from Shame to Humility (Orchos Tzaddikim | Shame 6)

00:00 - Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe (Host)
Welcome back everybody to day number 32, and we are in the Treasure for Life edition of the Orchah Tzaddikim Ways of the Righteous, on the bottom of page 168. Ki la'olam yehe'odam min ha'ne'alavim ve'lo min ha'olvim. A person should always be of those who are shamed and not be the ones who shame others. U'min ha'shomim es charposim ve'in ha'mashivim. And the ones who shame others. וְמִנַשֹׁוֹמִים אֲשְׁחָּרְפָּשָׁם וְאֵנֶם אֲשִׁבִים. And of those who hear their ridicule and don't respond. וַאֲלֵֵיֵם נַמָר וְאֲו�. You are forgiven of all your sins, gratis, all free. You're forgiven of all your sins.

And the Talmud says what happens Since you heard your embarrassment. Someone mocked you, someone ridiculed you, someone laughed at you in public. Everyone had a good laugh on your account. You were embarrassed. You didn't say a word in return. You got white. You turned white. You were embarrassed.

Hashem is going to bring His bright light of the sun to you. Ki inyon shinemar v'chava u'chvod Hashem olayich zarach. And the glory of Hashem has shone upon you. Me midas ha-. And the glory of Hashem has shone upon you. From the trait of Busha we get to the trait of shame. We are led into the trait of Hanava, of humility, because a person who has proper shame will be modest and humble in front of others. That will lead him to the trait of modesty, because someone who has proper busha, proper shame, will not do bad things in public. He's going to have a sense of dignity, of self-worth. He says you want to know what the right way of identifying children who are good children? You can see that they have a little bit of bushah, a little bit of shame on their face, meaning a dignity. One of the signs of the people of meaning a dignity Ki mi shehu b'ishon hu, simon shuh mizer avram. One of the signs of the people of Israel, of the Jewish people, is that they're b'ishonim. They have a little bit of modesty and humility. They're not out there brazen Mizera avram.

Yitzhak v'yakov, amruch hachomer, say just tell us Ha-busha Nodas Be'eis Hakas. You want to know when shame is revealed In an anger-provoking situation. That's when you can see it. Someone tries to provoke you and provoke you and provoke you and it doesn't work because you realize it's okay. I'm going to take that embarrassment. Tzaruch Odom Lehizbayish, mikol Odom, ve'losum alponov, masvei habusha.

A person should be ashamed in front of others. Or, as the translation here says better the hatred of the shame-faced man than the love of a fool, than the love of a fool Than the love of a fool. We know from King Saul. When he was hiding, he said Behold, he is hidden among the vessels and Hashem chose him to be a king. As it is written, have you seen the one whom Hashem has chosen? Ha'ri'isem asher bochar bo Hashem Amruchachom. Our sages said Hamida hazos hi mimalas ha'nefesh ha'yikora. Our sages tell us that this trait is among the merits of the precious soul, corresponding to perfection of the body. One who has shame will rise in stature. Now go delve and discern on your own. My dear friends, this concludes the gate of shame, and I look forward to continuing, god willing, tomorrow in Shar HaAzus.

The gate of arrogance or the gate of. I don't know how to translate Azos, but he's translating it here. The author translates it. The translation here translates it as arrogance. I think it's more of like a chutzpah. The gate of chutzpah we'll deal with tomorrow. My dear friends, thank you so much for coming. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much for logging on. Much for coming. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much for logging on and thank you so much. If you enjoy this, please like, share, subscribe. I appreciate it so much. Have a magnificent evening everybody.

Day 32 - The Noble Path from Shame to Humility (Orchos Tzaddikim | Shame 6)