Day 27 - Self-Awareness and Dignity in Everyday Life (Orchos Tzaddikim | Shame 1)

Join us in this episode of Orchos Tzaddikim (Ways of the Righteous), where we embark on an exploration of the profound traits of modesty and shame, drawing wisdom from our sages and the biblical story of Adam and Eve. We unpack how intellect and shame are intertwined, with Adam and Eve's newfound awareness of modesty after eating from the tree of knowledge serving as a focal point. This discussion underscores the idea that modesty is a companion to wisdom, suggesting that those who embody modesty inherently possess wisdom. We'll also touch on the modern issue of shaming others, especially in online spaces, and the need to handle this trait carefully to prevent harm.

Our journey continues with a deep look into the concept of personal dignity, especially in private moments. We emphasize how maintaining dignity and modesty, even when no one is watching, reflects one's integrity and fear of heaven. By examining specific behaviors suggested by Jewish law, such as discretion in the bathroom and the way we eat, we draw parallels to the actions of royalty, highlighting how these practices mirror inner values and self-respect. Tune in to understand how our private actions are a testament to our personal dignity and how they shape our character.
This series on Orchos Tzadikim/Ways of the Righteous is produced in partnership with Hachzek.
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We are using the Treasure of Life edition of the Orchos Tzadikkim (Published by Feldheim)

Recorded in the TORCH Centre - Levin Family Studios (B) in Houston, Texas on June 4, 2024.
Released as Podcast on June 30, 2024
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Day 27 - Self-Awareness and Dignity in Everyday Life (Orchos Tzaddikim | Shame 1)